Wednesday, June 20, 2012

A quick update!

I realize I haven't been writing in a while now, and despite what you readers might think, it's actually a good thing.
You see, I use the blog to spill my guts, deal with problems or just think.
If I'm not writing much, it means I'm in a good place. Balanced, happy and content.
Been quite some time since I could honestly say those words, without feeling hands grabbing my neck and squeezing.

Also I'm training like crazy (as always) + I'm following a somewhat strict diet. I always wondered why I couldn't develop that 6-pack I always wanted and now it seems like I've found the solution.
Eat clean, focus on high amounts of protein and low amounts of carbs, train like an animal and do low to medium intensity cardio. (like walking)

I've been doing the diet, training every day + walking 4-5 times a week, and it definitely shows.
In the correct lighting I can actually see 6 abdominal-splits + 2 very small ones at the bottom.
If I keep this up I'll have an 8-pack soon :P

Being on a diet is tough though. I'm weighing all of my food, putting them into a sheet and keeping an eye on calorie-intake for each day.
If you see me eating candy, you can be damn sure it's well planned!

I've been thinking about the future the last couple weeks. Where do I want myself to be in 10 years?
There was a time when "being happy" was enough, but I figure I should use the dedication regarding my training and health, and put it to use. Mostly by helping others, and promoting myself in the process. I might start out by creating a website where you can ask me questions about fitness and food. I'll be sure to let you know when it's up and running.

Haven't been taking photos lately, so I've been diggin' in the archives for this one.
Hope you still enjoy reading my blog. I sure enjoy writing :P