Friday, April 27, 2012

If you live to love, you might love to live.

My favourite quotation of all time.
Taken from the song "Maybe If" by Nicholas Barron, a blues-inspired singer/songwriter.
Imagine if Tom Jones and Vince Vaughn fathered the same child. Nicholas would be the result.
If you want to delve into his music (you should), then be sure to check out these two songs.
Nicholas Barron – Ramon
Nicholas Barron – Saviour
But back on topic!

Every day is about love, in some way. A joyful little smile when remembering past love, or thinking of future ones, all because the right song is playing on the radio.
When sitting next to another person can make you feel like being on a roller-coaster. When you walk around smiling to strangers, because you're overflowing with happiness.
When a kiss takes you to the sky and back in a few seconds.
When merely touching each other makes you all shaky and light-headed.

Love is all around us.
Between good friends. In relationships. Even when hugging the dog, it's love.
Love is what makes me have faith in life.
Because when it's there, and when it's good, it's all I ever want from this world.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

I got a job. Fear me.

As I may have mentioned last time I wrote, I just got a job as a fitness instructor.
And it's all kinds of win. I love it so much :P

I had 2 people sign up for the gym, plus made an appointment with another dude who's going to sign tomorrow AND talked another guy into taking a free one-hour freebie in the gym sometime next week.
Seriously. Didn't threaten them with guns or anything, like I know I'm supposed to.

Had a moment too.
I was standing behind the counter, overlooking all my minions doing their daily punishment routine.
They have to. Else I make them stay until they do. They come to me all sweaty and exhausted, beggin' for their keys so they can go home, and all I say is; TEN MORE MINUTES MAGGOT!
Because that's who I am. The master. Guardian of the holy protein-grail.
Doomlord in the hellish land known as.. the gym.

And in the midst of all the evil-eye staring and threats of hour-long Vonda Shepard listening, I noticed something in the mirror opposite of the counter. Me.
But, something odd was going on. I was trying to be all mean-like, with a come-at-me-bro attitude, and a murderous intent carved into my eyes. But it didn't help.
All I saw was this dude in shorts and a tanktop. And he was smiling!

Then I looked around at, you know, the minions, and to my surprise they were smiling too!

Oh well, I thought, and went out the back to release the guy who came to me a couple days ago, claiming protein wasn't important, and muscle wasn't all they're pumped up to be (nice pun, huh?).
Had him do 500 reps of every exercise I know, and had fed him full of chicken every other hour since he first complained. Guess it was time to let him go, now that I was smiling. No point in holding a grudge I guess.

What I'm saying is.. I fall in love with what I do over and over again. Every pound lost, every sweat-soaked t-shirt burning off my nose-hair, and every smile I receive when I hand the poor minions their keys back. Ahh.. I enjoy it so much.

Until next time.

Oh snap, wild picture appears!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Hey there!

I've been neglecting my blog for quite a while now. Not on purpose, not because I didn't feel like writing.
I actually don't know why. But who cares anyway? The blog is for my own personal gains. *grin*
Nah, I've received a bunch of compliments both in regard to the pictures shown, and of course the amazingly brilliant and sophisticated writing-skills I'm in possession of. *cough*

In Flames.
These guys:

Mind 'effin blowing band, much. I absolutely love them.
It's one of my favourite genres; Melodic Death Metal, but more on the melodic side, and with less growling.
The dry crispy voice of Anders Fridén mixed with the awesome mix of beauty and brutality that is Björn Gelotte's guitar-riffs/solos is downright unbeatable in it's genre.

Since the blog is about me and what I do, this band was the first thing that came to my mind when I thought about writing. I have practically been listening to them 24/7 the last 2 months, if not longer.

Oh, btw. I'm officially a fitness instructor now! Just recently aquired a job at a local gym, with the boss hiring me based purely on my application and a couple conversations (because I haven't had any previous jobs in the business). I'm so grateful for that, since it's kinda hard to get any job without previous experience to show for yourself.
So if you ever find yourself in need of a super-hot and tough coach, you can check in @ NMI in Ishøj and ask for Hevia :P (Kidding obviously, I'm not that tough)

Picsey time! Let me see.. Uh, I'm in the picture! :>