Monday, May 14, 2012

It's my birthday!

I always get this feeling around my birthday, that I should sit back and reminisce about the past year.
Usually I don't do it though. But this time SO much has happened, and I actually feel it would be a good idea to try and remember it all.

About a year ago, I had just moved to a sports-school on the other side of the country, and started my education as a fitness-instructor. I was nervous about meeting new people (about 70-80 new people, to be precise), and I was wondering whether I would fit in. What I didn't realise by that time, was that the next year would be the best in my life, thus far.

The relationships I gained.
The inspiring teachers.
The intense and extreme training.
And lastly the improvements regarding my attitude towards life.

I've really learned to look at the bright side, and take things more lightly.
But it's not like I've changed much.
I'd rather say that the "real me" has stepped into the spotlight.
The wall consisting of shyness and insecurity, that I have been hiding behind, has been brought down, and I've learned to accept who I am. Instead of thinking of what I should have done, I've moved on to actually doing things.

I've also learned to accept the fact that, if people dislike me for some reason, it's okay!
Of course it's nice to be liked by everyone, but that's just not how the world works.
If we all liked each other, and shared the same opinion about everything, life would be boring.
I actually like to disagree. Out of contrasts and difference of opinion, debates rise, and through arguments we expand our way of thinking, and evolve as individuals.
We can really learn a lot from the people we spend time with, especially if they're not all giving you a pad on the shoulder every time you're together.

It's always nice to meet someone, who not only have completely different interests, but also have a whole other way of looking at life, and what's important.
The workaholic and the slacker could learn countless of things from each other, I believe.
Maybe the slacker could get more things done by using the workaholic as a motivational poster, and maybe the stressful Mr. I'm-at-work-24/7 could learn to take some time to relax and enjoy himself.

The perfect balance is, of course, what we all should be searching for. But we strive through different kinds of motivation.
For some it's money. What they do for a living might not matter as much, as long as their free time is filled with materialistic objects such as expensive cars and a modernistic home.
For others, the work has to be filled with passion and things they love doing, so the work feels more like free time, than actual work. Again, I'm looking at a thing in-between those two.
With me, if I'm not passionate enough with what I do, I just can't do it. The days before my first spinning-lesson as an instructor were amazing. I was extremely nervous, and I spend hours preparing. I actually sat down for 4-5 straight hours at one point, and just kept on pushing.
That's when I feel most alive. When I'm not sure if I'll make it, or break it.
And to be honest, if you're not taking a chance, well, what are you doing?

I'm getting off topic though. So on we go!

At the sports-school, I became more functional socially. Chit-chat has never been my thing, but it's important to be able to communicate, and if you're too shy to say anything, you'll always be left behind, I found.
Striking up a conversation with a total stranger has never been my thing, but now I find myself doing it all the time. Which is good, I think. Well, I don't know really. Ask the strangers :P
It feels good though. Not to be afraid to stand out and say what's on your mind. It's also quite giving sometimes. You'll find that even the strangest of strangers can have the brilliant combination of words you need, to put whatever is on your mind at ease.

The confidence I gained from my relations and extra responsibility I had at the school, gave me the proper push to go out and get a job. Now I've been working for a couple months, and I have had so many positive experiences. I just love what I do. And it shows, I've been told.

And then came love. It's kicked me in the nuts before, and it surely will again at some point.
I've always been chosen, and never really been the one to choose. Except for the last time I was in love. That was the first time I actually tried to take action myself, and it paid off.
What I've gained from that, is the knowledge that I can be the one to choose.
And that is just.. so new to me. It's like a new world has opened. Really scary actually.

So.. instead of fearing what's to come, I'm looking to whatever the universe has planned for me.
And that's the first time I've felt this way in many years.
And as I said. Best. Year. Ever.

Damn, that's about the longest post on the blog thus far. Hope you made it to here, because now you get to enjoy the picture!

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