Friday, August 24, 2012

Movin' cement with no supplement.

Forgot my caffeine pill today, so I was completely wasted while warming up.
Also forgot the tribulus, so I was all happy and relaxed instead of angry and mean.

Yet I still managed to get through my chest workout with improvements. Me gusta!

Today is Friday, so it's time to get on the weight and see what's what.
76.1kg on a completely empty stomach. Which means I've put on about 3kg's since I started bulking.
I'm happy with the results so far.

Benchpress (55kg):
1-6 sets: 10 reps
7 set: 9
8 set: 7
9 set: 7
10 set: 6

My chest was really pumped after the 10x10, so I went ahead and did some:
Standing Cable Flyes (20kg)
3 sets / 15 reps
Standing Incline Cable Flyes (10kg)
3 sets / 10 reps
Tricep Pushdown (20/30/40kg)
 Did 4-5 sets increasing the weight with 1, 2, and 3rd set, and decreasing it with the 4th and 5th set.
After this my chest was about to explode, thus considered a really good workout.
Strength gains + good pump = win.
Also did some rubber-band exercises for the rotator-cuff and my shoulders.
Tomorrow is all about resting. I'm in the head-start for Guild Wars 2, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to spend the whole day inside Tyria.
Until next time. 

My legs be hurtin'!

Still got awful DOMS from Wednesday's leg torture. Don't know if I ever want to do that again :P
I'm just kidding. Of course I will!

Yesterday was back and bi's, and I continued using the 10x10 technique.
It promotes a shorter, though much more intense workout, and it's brutal.
Actually I was still rather sore from Monday's back routing, but I thought 3 days rest should be more than enough. So I went ahead and did the same as last back-session.


Pullups (Bodyweight):
1-7 sets: 10 reps
8 set: 9
9 set: 8
10 set: 7

Bent-over row (70kg):
10 sets of 10 reps!
Ez-bar Curls (32kg)
Did 3 sets of as many as possible, leaning my body slightly forward and resting the bar on my quads every rep, making sure I went all the way up to a full contraction.
Finished with some dumbbell curls with some girly 6kg's, just to make sure they where totally trashed.

I'm going to be playing around with fonts and paragraphs for a while, until I've decided how I want the log to look like.
I'm praying for my legs being able to carry me to the gym later today.
It's chest and tri's, maybe with a couple shoulder exercises.

Until next time! /wave

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It hurts!

So yesterday was legs.
I recently started using a program called German Volume Training, which involves picking one exercise per muscle group, preferably a multi-joint one, and the blasting out 10 sets of 10 reps with a 1min rest interval.
By using about 60% of your max RM, the first few sets will feel like a breeze.
And then you hit the wall at set 5-6. It's like your muscles are totally cramping out, you're gasping for your breath like you just finished a sprint, and the 1min pause seems to get shorter and shorter.
It's hell. And I love it.

Oh well, here's some data from yesterday. Promised myself to make this a log, didn't I? :P
Did 1 set of leg and ham curls to warm up.


10x10 - 100kg (Did all sets with good / acceptable form)
5x10 - 240kg (After the crazy amount of squats, my legpress went down a lot)
Sumo kettlebell deadlift:
3x10 - 32kg (Just to finish glutes and hams off)

And that was it. Doesn't look like much on paper, but I promise you, I have DOMS like never before in my legs, as of writing.
Since I got all sets of 10 on the squat, I need to ramp things up for next time.
Either 105kg or 110kg.

Today is back. It's been resting since monday, and I still don't feel up to the task.
I'll give it a try though. After a good warm up, it should be doable.
10x10 pullups, here I come xD

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

And it's back! Yet somehow different.

I've been fighting back and forth in my head, trying to think of what I would like to do with this blog.
And this very morning, while heading home from my girlfriends house, I decided to make this a training log.
Yes, I know it must sound extremely boring, and I assure you, it's going to be just that.
Unless I have something else to say of course.

I read somewhere, that athletes who log everything regarding their training, gets ahead of those who don't.
So from today I would like to start keeping track of my progress.
Some days it'll be something like:
GVT - 10x10 - benchpress 50kg's
Sets / reps
1  / 10
2  / 10
3  / 10
4  / 10
5  / 10
6  / 10
7  / 10
8  / 10
9  / 10
10/  8

And all this is to ensure that I'm getting stronger, making progress and getting bigger.
I'm also going to be taking measurements of body parts approximately once a week, and weigh myself.
Might also make notes of what I eat and when.
So from now on it's all about my training regimen. And it will start tonight.

It's been lovely to share my thoughts and ideas with you, and I hope you enjoyed reading the, at times, mumbling rubbish these pages have brought you :P