Also forgot the tribulus, so I was all happy and relaxed instead of angry and mean.
Yet I still managed to get through my chest workout with improvements. Me gusta!
Today is Friday, so it's time to get on the weight and see what's what.
76.1kg on a completely empty stomach. Which means I've put on about 3kg's since I started bulking.
I'm happy with the results so far.
Benchpress (55kg):
1-6 sets: 10 reps
7 set: 9
8 set: 7
9 set: 7
10 set: 6
My chest was really pumped after the 10x10, so I went ahead and did some:
Standing Cable Flyes (20kg)
3 sets / 15 reps
Standing Incline Cable Flyes (10kg)
3 sets / 10 reps
Tricep Pushdown (20/30/40kg)
Did 4-5 sets increasing the weight with 1, 2, and 3rd set, and decreasing it with the 4th and 5th set.
After this my chest was about to explode, thus considered a really good workout.
Strength gains + good pump = win.
Also did some rubber-band exercises for the rotator-cuff and my shoulders.
Tomorrow is all about resting. I'm in the head-start for Guild Wars 2, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to spend the whole day inside Tyria.
Until next time.