Monday, February 27, 2012

Staying healthy!

So. I ran today. This morning actually. For the second time this year.
And it was WONDERFUL!
Seeing the nearby lake crystallized in the frosty weather, along with the gloomy red morning sky reflected in the ice, was an amazing sight to say the least.
Me, on the other hand, not so much... :P

When it's THAT cold, it's kinda hard to push your limits, and go the extra mile (running pun extremely intended).
Had trouble breathing a couple times, and pain in my stomach. Oh the joy of staying fit and healthy.
Now, it actually sounds like I dislike cardio. And I guess that's true, in the sense that it can get tedious at times. But I try my best to change things up every once in a while. Go up a different hill, down again, and back up. Jumping over stuff, running fast until I want to puke etc.

I find that noticing the pretty scenery, trying to make every run an experience, makes it a lot easier to get it done.
And even though I'm not exactly giving all I've got every run, at least I can sit down at home, knowing I did something good for myself. The emphasis here, is the word something.

Not having burned off my morning caffeine intake, I hit the gym for a couple hours.
Wound up having a long conversation with an adorable lady (hence the couple hours, if you were wondering), that obviously had the inside scoop on the treatment of an inflamed tibia (shinbone). Not that I need any treatment. *cough*

Yesterdays run + 5x5 squat sets had completed obliterated my quads and glutes, so I made sure to do some lightweight squats and bodyweight-lunges. Just enough to get a decent bloodflow, so some much needed nutrition could have it's way with the muscles, and start repairing me properly.

Wow. The first post that actually only involved me talking about my day!
You must be SO bored.

Oh well, at least there's a picture :P

He's got a dog.

And he's such a cutie :P
Quite the model too, which is why I want to stray away from the reflective life-related posts, and actually write about something I truly enjoy. My dog. And photography!
I was in the mood to take some photos, and I promised myself, that the next time it wouldn't be leaves and trees, but something a little more personal.
So here you have it; three photos of my cheerful little darling named Samson.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Being sad

I've been feeling empty lately.
Like nothing matters.
Cold, dark and weakened to the bone.
Sometimes I find myself spiralling into a circle of depressing thoughts, just to feel something, anything.

It's just.. you know the feeling you get when you're truly in love with someone? Like, when you can't ever seem to catch your breath, your stomach aches, and you find it really easy to get extremely emotional over nothing.
At one point, you're jumping around singing like Mary Poppins, and a few minutes later you're feeling like a plane crash.

I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I find it easier to deal with my emotions when they're written down.

I had an assignment a while ago, where I had to write about the biggest thing in my life. It was kinda hard to point out one specific moment, so I decided to write about my childhood and teenage years.
Of course I wouldn't be the first individual to whine about parents screwing me up; I we all have some sort of baggage with us.
Lets just say it wasn't a dance on a colourful rainbow. Quite the opposite actually.
I won't go any deeper into this, because the point is: I had no trouble at all when writing it all down, and did it rather quickly and with ease.
But when it came to reading it out loud in class, in front of 20 or so classmates, I had a total breakdown and cried all the way through. I'm surprised they could even hear the words coming out of my mouth, as I sobbed my way through the text, almost choking on every word.

I guess I first realised what I had gone through, when it was in front of me.
Never really dealt with it in any way, and I hadn't talked about it with anyone before.
The feeling after reading it was fantastic though. Best thing I ever did.
Felt like removing a 30kg backpack after a long walk. And I haven't worn it since then :P

Writing is a drug for me. I use it to let go of emotions, and to clear my mind by putting my thoughts on paper, and it really helps.

Aaaaaand picture time:

The wonders of indie

I can't even remember how I got to know this girl, but I'm so glad I did.
Someone who can describe the emotions involved when a heart breaks, with such truth and simplicity shouldn't go unnoticed. So here I am, blogging about this wonderful lady, who's helped me through some hard times of my still fairly inexperienced life.

I'm talking about Rosi Golan:

Rosi Golan
Singer/song writer, born in Israel - oh snap!
Now I remember!
I heard her on an episode of Grey's Anatomy.
There we go, haha, now I can continue writing without my noggin' searching for the answer.

Her style is completely unique.
It's an undoubtedly dark, deep and longing mood she creates with her tunes.
It's mostly about love, and the troubles it can bring when it fades.
It's not really music that'll help you through heartache, but if you find yourself having difficulty feeling and showing the emotions needed to truly grieve, she can easily get you in the correct mood.
"Yesteryear" off her first record "The Drifter and the Gypsy" is one of saddest yet most beautiful songs about love I've ever had the pleasure of listening to. I remember the song affecting me for almost a week when I first heard it.
The lyrics feel like a sledgehammer to the heart, and doesn't do anything to cover up how it feels to really miss a person. Here's a short section of it:

"If this is what we get, then lets make the most of it
We can dance around the clouds up here
And we’ll be what might have been, close our eyes and just pretend
That we are back again in Yesteryear..

I'm speechless. Can't even read this stuff without squeezing out a tiny drop of emotion-fluid.
What I really want to say is; look her up. She's a fantastic person that deserves more of what has already come to her. She's got two albums out, and I can recommend them both. The first one focusing more on the acoustic guitar, while her newest album does a bit more in terms of exploring different instruments and sounds.

And the usual picture:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

So i heard you like fitness..?

Yup, that's what my life's been about for the past couple years. And I absolutely love it.
There's something completely astounding about pushing the limits of your own body, watching yourself grow towards a goal, putting in the work, and finally achieving that specific goal.

It's not only useful as a confidence "pat on the shoulder-ish" booster. The whole process with goal-creation and the path to accomplishment can be used in many other aspects of life.
Realising that nothing comes without proper effort, is a lesson everyone needs to learn at some point.
Strength training is a very good way to slowly ease into that way of thinking.

And here's a random photo as a thank you for the attention, taken by yours' truly.


Omg - I started a blog!

Actually I've been thinking about this for a while, and now I find myself inspired enough to give it a try.
Lets see what this becomes.
I guess I should introduce myself.

Hi there! I'm Hevia.
A 21 year old nerdy, poetic fitness-metalhead. Yup, I'm unique i guess, but aren't we all?
Recently finished a 10 month course to become a fitnessinstructor at a school in Denmark.

I love strength-training, both as a stressreleaser and confidencebuilder.
Actually I got into working out, because I thought it would help me gain some selfconfidence.

2.5 years later, I've realized that looking great and feeling great is very far from the same.

The training has grown on me though, I guess you could call me an addict by now. Not exactly the worst addiction in the world :P
Sure, I've gained some pounds of muscle in the process, and now I'm very comfortable with how I look.
I guess the attention you get by having a nice looking body is coolio, but confidence in your own being comes from the inside - it's psychological. While having a firm body is purely physical.
That's my opinion, and I'm only saying this because I've been through that "WILD TRANSFORMATION", and to be honest, it's not as big of a life-improvement as one would hope.

Enough about the fitness-stuff!

I did write I was nerdy earlier. I LOVE games! Computer games that is; especially online ones.
Being good at games is an awesome way to get some positive achievements, even though it's all useless in the real world.
There's a great feeling that follows after bashing some little douchbag teenage whinerheads face in, in a game, that usually ends up with him calling me a cheater of some sorts.
It's cruel (muahaha), and I love it :P
Cooperative games are my favorites by far. Working as a team, each bringing a different skillset to complete a certain task is a beautiful thing.

Photography is another interest of mine, and I recently started using Gimp to work on my photos, before showing them to the public. I've been told I'm good at finding objects that others wouldn't think of. Raindrops on a piece of metal or a window, a broken and bended garbage bin etc.

On to the last part of my very first blog-post!

I got a thing for music. Who doesn't? Everyone should be able to experience the beauty of lyrics and melody merging together in a goosebump-creating fashion. I wouldn't be able to exist without music in my life.
All the way from mellow indie-pop, to ravaging melodic death metal. There're very few genres i dislike.
On the top of my head, fusion jazz and regular radio-noise ain't my thing. Oh yeah, and most country and slchager just doesn't do it for me.

Oh my, oh my. I'm so glad you came this far :P
After all, it's just me here. Not really sure how interesting it's going to be.
Maybe I should tell you why the blog is called FYI. As you may know, FYI is an abbrevation for "For your information". This blog is going to be me, sharing my thoughts on what I find interesting in this world. The plan was to start a news-page with tech/music/fitness news and articles.
It might just turn out to be that. Lets see where it goes.

I'm gonna search my archives, and pick one of my favorite photos to post.

Until next time!
