Saturday, February 25, 2012


Omg - I started a blog!

Actually I've been thinking about this for a while, and now I find myself inspired enough to give it a try.
Lets see what this becomes.
I guess I should introduce myself.

Hi there! I'm Hevia.
A 21 year old nerdy, poetic fitness-metalhead. Yup, I'm unique i guess, but aren't we all?
Recently finished a 10 month course to become a fitnessinstructor at a school in Denmark.

I love strength-training, both as a stressreleaser and confidencebuilder.
Actually I got into working out, because I thought it would help me gain some selfconfidence.

2.5 years later, I've realized that looking great and feeling great is very far from the same.

The training has grown on me though, I guess you could call me an addict by now. Not exactly the worst addiction in the world :P
Sure, I've gained some pounds of muscle in the process, and now I'm very comfortable with how I look.
I guess the attention you get by having a nice looking body is coolio, but confidence in your own being comes from the inside - it's psychological. While having a firm body is purely physical.
That's my opinion, and I'm only saying this because I've been through that "WILD TRANSFORMATION", and to be honest, it's not as big of a life-improvement as one would hope.

Enough about the fitness-stuff!

I did write I was nerdy earlier. I LOVE games! Computer games that is; especially online ones.
Being good at games is an awesome way to get some positive achievements, even though it's all useless in the real world.
There's a great feeling that follows after bashing some little douchbag teenage whinerheads face in, in a game, that usually ends up with him calling me a cheater of some sorts.
It's cruel (muahaha), and I love it :P
Cooperative games are my favorites by far. Working as a team, each bringing a different skillset to complete a certain task is a beautiful thing.

Photography is another interest of mine, and I recently started using Gimp to work on my photos, before showing them to the public. I've been told I'm good at finding objects that others wouldn't think of. Raindrops on a piece of metal or a window, a broken and bended garbage bin etc.

On to the last part of my very first blog-post!

I got a thing for music. Who doesn't? Everyone should be able to experience the beauty of lyrics and melody merging together in a goosebump-creating fashion. I wouldn't be able to exist without music in my life.
All the way from mellow indie-pop, to ravaging melodic death metal. There're very few genres i dislike.
On the top of my head, fusion jazz and regular radio-noise ain't my thing. Oh yeah, and most country and slchager just doesn't do it for me.

Oh my, oh my. I'm so glad you came this far :P
After all, it's just me here. Not really sure how interesting it's going to be.
Maybe I should tell you why the blog is called FYI. As you may know, FYI is an abbrevation for "For your information". This blog is going to be me, sharing my thoughts on what I find interesting in this world. The plan was to start a news-page with tech/music/fitness news and articles.
It might just turn out to be that. Lets see where it goes.

I'm gonna search my archives, and pick one of my favorite photos to post.

Until next time!


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