Monday, February 27, 2012

Staying healthy!

So. I ran today. This morning actually. For the second time this year.
And it was WONDERFUL!
Seeing the nearby lake crystallized in the frosty weather, along with the gloomy red morning sky reflected in the ice, was an amazing sight to say the least.
Me, on the other hand, not so much... :P

When it's THAT cold, it's kinda hard to push your limits, and go the extra mile (running pun extremely intended).
Had trouble breathing a couple times, and pain in my stomach. Oh the joy of staying fit and healthy.
Now, it actually sounds like I dislike cardio. And I guess that's true, in the sense that it can get tedious at times. But I try my best to change things up every once in a while. Go up a different hill, down again, and back up. Jumping over stuff, running fast until I want to puke etc.

I find that noticing the pretty scenery, trying to make every run an experience, makes it a lot easier to get it done.
And even though I'm not exactly giving all I've got every run, at least I can sit down at home, knowing I did something good for myself. The emphasis here, is the word something.

Not having burned off my morning caffeine intake, I hit the gym for a couple hours.
Wound up having a long conversation with an adorable lady (hence the couple hours, if you were wondering), that obviously had the inside scoop on the treatment of an inflamed tibia (shinbone). Not that I need any treatment. *cough*

Yesterdays run + 5x5 squat sets had completed obliterated my quads and glutes, so I made sure to do some lightweight squats and bodyweight-lunges. Just enough to get a decent bloodflow, so some much needed nutrition could have it's way with the muscles, and start repairing me properly.

Wow. The first post that actually only involved me talking about my day!
You must be SO bored.

Oh well, at least there's a picture :P

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